Congrats to Darwin Gold winning the Super 9s Pennant 2019 against Nightcliff Black.
Darwin Gold make it 5 in a row!
Nightcliff Black fought right to the end in front of a large crowd.
Nightcliff and Darwin stayed close on the bigboard all day with Nightcliff pulling to the front by 1 shot about halfway through but the Darwin teams got the lead back and remained in front by less than 6 shots for the rest of the game.
Buster Quinlan was under huge pressure on last end of the Triples to score a 6 to force an extra end. He killed the end three times to give Nightcliff a chance. On the last end he tried to kill the end the jack was squeezed between two bowls and shot 5 foot into the air only to drop back into ditch and give Darwin the win.
Barry Orr and Ian Smith (Darwin) led all day in the Pairs but were overtaken with 3 ends remaining against Mark Malagorski and John McCallion to lose by 3 shots.
In the Triples Pete Degreenlaw, Colleen Orr and Dimitri Hnaris (Darwin) had a hard fought game against Buster Quinlan, Sue Aumann and Dennis Sloane (Nightcliff) to win by 6 shots.
John Meneguzzi, Corryn Huddy, Jenny Redshaw & Mark Diamond (Darwin) won by a shot in a fierce battle in the Fours against Louise Hicks, Tony Sullivan, Jock Hicks & Andrew White (Nightcliff) This makes Darwin Bowls and Social Club’s 5th consective win in the Bowls NT pennant season.
The final score finished at 60/56 in a memorable match and a great finish to the season.
Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner joined in with the fun after the game when he met with the teams and presented the winning medals.